daily seeds of inspiration: follow me @jesshonig via Instagram

Jessica Honig (pictured here, lifting her daughter in the air) shares skills and inspiration for natural living, anxiety relief, and peace of mind.

Welcome. I’m Jessica Honig. And I’m the creator of CLOVERING: skills for clarity, confidence, and consistency for natural living.

Grow with me…


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Natural Collaborations

interviews with Guggenheim Fellow – Dilip da Cunha and Anti-Racism, Faulkner inspired poet – Scott Ruescher

hello fellow human…

As a small-town girl who came of age in the big city and through intentional immersion in diverse cultures, I aim to inspire networks of inclusion, peace, and justice.

I light up when clients find clarity, confidence, and consistency for their best life now.

My work has appeared in the NYC Daily Post, The Harvard Public HealthReview/HPHR, and CNN. 

Sincerely, Jess

aka Mom, Partner, Psychotherapist,

Editor, Nature Lover, Writer

Natural Inspiration: Meditations